With the current economic situation and holidays here at our door-step, consumers want the most bang for their buck. One way that many people ensure that they get their monies worth on the items they purchase is to use a price comparison website. These websites compare the prices of certain goods against different retailers and manufacturers and finds out which one is selling it at the lowest price. These websites promise to supply consumers with unbiased ratings and reveiws on products. This, however, is not the case with two such companies. The state has sued Intercept LLC and everyprice.com for deceptive trade practices. These two companies operate at least seven price comparison websites including; shopcartusa.com, diduprice.com, flyingprices.com, digitalsaver.com and pricing depot.com, everyprice.com and lowpricedigital.com.
"Online shoppers found some vendors labeled as trusted, recommended, lowest legitimate price and customer certified without being informed that the favorable labels were purchased rather than earned," said Gregg Abbott, Texas Attorney Generall.
It's not clear at this point what will be done to resolve the issue with said companies, but I for one hope the penalty is high and this discourages other like companies from breaking the trust of consumers to earn a few more dollars. So to all those yet to finish their Christmas shopping, buyer beware. And, thanks again to Gregg Abbott for a job well done.