Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pure Opinion

In Paul Burka's blog Just Wondering... he makes very broad assumptions based on a one day absence of comment from the Perry campaign. Granted, in the first few lines of his blog he admits that he's "probably making a mountain out of a molehill", but after reading it, I failed to see the molehill, (guess it was behind the mountain).
Burka states that because of the Perry campaign's silence monday October 19th he is wondering if they are rethinking their hyperaggressive attack strategy. Is one days silence really enough to conclude that the Perry's entire campaign team is re-evaluating their entire strategy? Also, from what source did he derive that a hyperaggressive attack is indeed the campaign's strategy? No source information was given.
However, Burka does give, what he believes to be, an example of hyperaggression by the Perry campaign using Perry's expression of "monster" in reference to Cameron Todd Willingham. Burke believes that "Perry overreached in an effort to sway the debate in his favor". Once again this is an opinion by the author and not a concrete fact.
Perhaps Burka's aim is toward boosting the votes for Kay Bailey Hutchison. I say this because of the way he sees the Perry campaign "ambushing" Hutchison in her initial campaign tour and continues to in press releases and on campaign web sites like washingtonkay. The author continues to slander Perry by stating that ha has a "tendency to pour gasoline on the fire" and "keeps getting him into trouble". I believe that Burka's blog was written purely on his own opinion for whatever intent he deemed valuable. Read it for yourself here and you be the judge.


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